Dr. Haroun is My Hero!

November 30th, 2017

Dr. Haroun performed nerve decompression surgery on my L3/L4 due to bulging discs and nerve compression. This condition caused progressive, excruciating left leg pain and numbness from my hip and traveled to the front of my left calf. I describe the pain as stabbing, burning and constant. The numbness caused left leg weakness and leg giving out when walking. I went to PT and a pain management specialist for 3 weeks with no relief. I could not sit, stand, walk, or sleep without constant pain. I went to Dr. Haroun for a surgical consult on Tuesday and I was scheduled for outpatient surgery Friday that same week. The only pain I have now is incisional pain and every day is getting better. When it comes to back surgery, I will refer my family and friends to Dr Haroun and his staff.


Wilkins Avenue, Baltimore, MD
Charter Drive, Columbia, MD
Our Practice