Getting My Life Back

April 30th, 2017

I had been suffering from pain in my right hip and in both legs for many months from a herniated disc. I saw several doctors and tried steroid treatments, pain meds and physical therapy, yet the pain continued and worsened. After ten months, I was in so much pain that everything in my life was difficult to accomplish or even think about. My doctor then recommended that I see Dr. Raymond Haroun.

My first visit at the office was pleasant and thorough. I was first examined by Evan, his terrific PA, and then Dr. Haroun. Both men were compassionate and willing to work with me to find the solution for my pain and disc issue. It was such a blessing to find someone who cared and was skilled and knowledgeable to work with me to find a solution for my pain. In a week I was back in the office with MRI’s and Xrays to pinpoint the problem area and disc. What a joy to hear the answer “Yes!” when I asked Dr. Haroun if he felt that he could help me! In less than a month from my first visit I had my surgery. My recovery took between 4 and 6 weeks and by that time I was completely free of any pain!

I was very blessed and thankful for a surgeon with wisdom, kindness, compassion and skill. I would recommend Dr. Haroun and his staff to anyone. — C.H.


Wilkins Avenue, Baltimore, MD
Charter Drive, Columbia, MD
Our Practice